Salam semua :)
koleksi terbaru fabric cupcakes dari amfeaz's creative collections :)

RM2.50 each, 5 for RM10

RM2.50 each, 5 for RM10

RM2.50 each, 5 for RM10

RM3.50 each, 3 for RM10

RM2.50 each, 5 for RM10

RM2.50 each, 5 for RM10

RM2.50 each, 5 for RM10

RM3.50 each, 3 for RM10
p/s: boleh campur design :)
salam kak..
saya nk order type A,B n C..
every type sy nk 10pcs...
total 30pcs..
n bole tukar wane merah x?
bunga merah...fabric tu sy xtahula klu bole tukar ke x...klu xbole,kekalkn pink bunga ats merah..
saya da email akak rtu,tp xdpt feedback..mybe xlepas or sy xtau..hehe3
wslm wbt :)
akak dah check email but x de la dear, may be ade error kot masa hantar email tu, anyway, camne nak contact u, ye? kita bincang further ttg cuppies tu. bg email address u kat akak ye :)
setakat nih yg boleh wat 10pcs ke atas, cuppies design A je. cuppies design B & C tu x cukup nak wat 10pcs.
p/s: boleh tukar bunga merah, kalu kain nak tukar pun boleh (tapi stok kain agak terhad)
email address sy:
>klu design A bole wt 10pcs ke atas,design B n C xckup 10..akak wtla akak bape2 yg ade..
ikot fabrik or stok yg akak ade tu..bole wt 25 or less pn xpe..
>sy nk wt as hantaran bgi pihak lelaki je..xpat byk,bpe2 yg ade pn xpe kak...
thanx for the info, dear. akak dah send email, nnti check ye :)
tqvm :)
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